I've been experiencing some weird scaling issues on the web version, but I think I've managed to fix them. After clicking 'Play' and launching it in full screen you may need to zoom out slightly depending on your monitor size! 

I'd recommend zooming out ('ctrl + -' on Chrome) until you know you can see all of it and then zooming back so it fits :). Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Game information


This game was made in 72 hours for Lundum Dare 46. The theme was 'Keep it Alive'.

Link to The Plant Shop on Ludum Dare


The aim of The Plant Shop is to keep as many plants alive as possible before the countdown reaches 0. 


Left mouse button - everything... That's it.


Once you hit 'Start',  each flower will start demanding different things. Once this happens, click the corresponding item at the bottom of the screen and select the plant requiring that item to satisfy it temporarily.

If you leave flowers too long without tending to them, they'll start to wilt and then die. If all plants die before the countdown reaches 0, you lose. And you go to jail for being a plant murderer.

Behind the scenes

Development breakdown

Pixel artMe / my partner

Tools used

  • Unity (2019.3.10f1) (development)
  • Visual Studio Community (programming)
  • Audacity (trimming and editing sound clips)
  • Aseprite (asset creation)
  • Adobe Photoshop (asset creation)
  • Figma (high-fidelity UI/marketing content)
  • Pen + paper (designs/scrawling ideas)
  • Trello (task management/planning)

How to play

Either play in the browser using the link at the top of the page or download the Windows executable below and then run 'The Plant Shop.exe'. Be aware, for some reason the HTML build is stretching the UI even though I specified an particular aspect ratio.. I would recommend downloading the Windows build to experience it how I intended, but either way works!

Please note - this was made in 72 hours so if you experience any issues or encounter and unexpected behaviour, just pretend you didn't see anything. It'll help me sleep at night.


The Plant Shop - Ludum Dare 46 (Windows).zip 22 MB

Install instructions

For the Windows version, just hit download. Once it's finished downloading, unzip it and then click 'The Plant Shop.exe'.


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